Sunday, September 20, 2009

Tough Guys Wear Pink

So I'm working on a new novel. It's for a challenge, actually, and this story was revolving in my mind recently so I entered it into the challenge. :D So far everybody's been liking it. :P I'm deliberating whether I'd be posting it in this site I'm a member of, Quizilla, or not. Oh, well.

Anyway, here’s an excerpt from chapter three of the novel. Just wanted to post it, though I doubt anyone would read it.


The cab halted in front of Starbucks. I paid the driver, then, got out. I headed inside the store. The thickness of the crowd was bearable—but I wasn’t really planning to dine in, anyway. I was up for some shore-strolling, even though I’d be alone in the beach if I’d do that.

I headed to the counter and waited in the line, looking around, checking to see if someone I knew was there. I hadn’t looked around the whole place yet when my turn to order came. “Uhh, Java Chip frap and white chocolate mocha frap with extra caramel, both Venti and with whipped cream, please,” I asked.

The counter girl told me the total cost with a smile. I reached for my wallet. I didn’t find it in my jeans pocket, which was odd, since I’d tucked it in there. The only thing I found was my cell phone. I tried the pockets of my coat, but nothing there either. “Oh, shoot,” I whispered.

“Is something wrong, miss?” The girl asked.

I looked up at her, my hands still searching my pockets. Where the hell was that? I was able to pay the taxi driver! Unless…

I left my wallet in the cab right after paying!

I groaned internally. Ugh. Allison, how can you be so care—

And Caramel Apple Cider, Grande, with whipped cream, please.” A very familiar voice came from behind me. The owner of the voice just laid a credit card on the counter; the girl took it, and I turned around.

“And what would you be doing here, alone at night, without your wallet?” Blaze asked with a teasing smile.“Blaze?” I blinked. Blaze ruffled my hair, then, took the drinks the girl had served. He walked past me; I didn’t move. He turned around and asked, “What, are you just going to stand there and stare or are you going to follow me?”

I blinked again, which I know made me look totally idiotic, like I wasn’t able to make out what he was saying. “I—uh—guess I’ll follow.”

“You better.” He chuckled. “I have your drinks. Why do you have two?”

“It’s my mom. I’m supposed to take one home for her.” I explained.

“Oh. So you’re supposed to go?” He asked.

“Well, I was planning to stroll by the beach before that.”

He shrugged. “Want some company?”

“Sure.” I replied as Blaze handed me my frap. He was still holding mom’s drink. I was about to ask for it, but he talked first. “What happened to your wallet?”

“I think I left it in the cab.” I said.

He tsked. I turned pink. “I was thinking about other stuff!”

We’d reached the beach already—the sea was bathed in moonlight, and restaurants and bars nearby were pulsing with RnB music and disco lights. People were also strolling like us, but I guess the surroundings were peaceful enough for me to think. Though Blaze wasn’t really helping—my heart was still thudding like crazy against my chest. Blaze was just an inch away from me—if he moved closer, he’d be touching me.

“So, we made it to the Saturday date, huh?” He said as he sipped his Caramel Apple Cider frap.

I smiled weakly. “Only, it wasn’t planned.”

“And you have to go home soon,” He added, stepping in front of me and waving mom’s drink. My eyes darted to the drink for a moment, but moved to him after. Standing there, a foot taller than me, Blaze looked like a night god. Like he was the lost son of Selene, or whoever the moon goddess was. His ivory skin was flawless against the moonlight. His black hair glistened blue, joining the night in its darkness. His left eye—being touched by the light—was gray, while the other one was black. I could see the reflections of rainbow-colored lights in his black one, dancing around in his irises. And then I noticed his smile—his lips were pink, and he had dimples on both sides of his soft cheeks.

Josh didn’t have dimples.

Why the heck was I thinking about Josh?

“Hey.” I jumped when his cold fingers touched the back of my hand. “You okay?” He asked.

“Yeah, yeah. I—I’m okay.” My voice was higher than usual. Blaze’s touch had been electric—icy, yet gentle. I thought up of an excuse. “I was just thinking on how to pay you back.”

“Don’t. I don’t let girls pay me back.”

“That wouldn’t apply to me.”

“You’re not a girl?” He asked, frowning but grinning, as if playing along.

“No, I just insist that I pay you back.” I said, honesty now audible in my voice. It wasn’t just an excuse anymore.

“I won’t take it.” He said. I opened my mouth to reply, but he said, “Alright, if you really want to pay me back, I don’t want it in the form of cash.”


He took out two, strips of black, card-sort-of-looking papers. “I got the tickets. You can go with me.”

I looked from him back to the tickets he was holding. Oh my gosh. Oh my GOSH! THOSE are the tickets to Dashboard’s gig. Oh my gosh! “Great!” I said, grinning. “I’ll pay for it on Monday!”

He ruffled my hair again. “What I meant was you’re going with me next Saturday. That’s all you’ll have to do.”

“Huh?” I was dumfounded. Was he saying that my ticket was free? “But—Blaze, that’s unfair. I cannot not pay!”

“You’re not not paying.”


“Paying isn’t always in the form of money. Besides, I’m asking you for a day to be with me. Isn’t that already paying?”

I totally got what he meant. I knew paying could be in a lot of forms—like, kicking Josh’s butt once I see him roll his eyes at me, for example. I rejoiced at the thought—now, that’s paying.

“Okay, fine.” I said, taking a long sip from my frap. I held my hand out for the ticket.

He was about to hand it to me, but hesitated halfway. “On second thought, I’ll keep yours.”


“You might lose it in a cab.”

My nose turned pink. “I’m not that careless.” That was the first time I lost my wallet! Honestly! Though, yeah, I did lose some stuff before…

Oops. That’s what he’s pointing out, is it?

How many teens lose their things in cabs, anyway?

My phone signaled a message. “Sorry,” I said as I took my phone out. Mom had sent a message, telling me to hurry. And I thought I’d warned her about not knowing when I’ll come back…

“Hey, I gotta go.” I told Blaze.

“I’ll go with you.” Blaze offered, giving me a halfway smile. I nodded, dazzled, and followed him out of the beach, where he flagged down a cab. We got inside—I gave my address to the driver, and the cab drove off.

Blaze and I didn’t talk much on the way, except for minor things, like school, and what mom was doing that she needed the frap so badly. When we don’t talk, he’d look out the window, and I’d steal glances from him. I’d take note of the other details of how he looked—his body wasn’t overly muscular, but wasn’t very lean, either—it was just right, the exact body build that I like in guys. And he had long eyelashes. I always liked long eyelashes. The back part of his hair was carefully arranged in a spiky, messy sort of ‘do. He looked every bit dangerous—yet alluring.

Okay, so I know you guys are totally thinking that it’d be loads better if I just take a picture, but I couldn’t—I mean, hell-o! That’d be freaky. And I wouldn’t—because pictures just don’t captivate Blaze’s beauty.

He turned to me. “Is this your house?”

I glanced around, jerking out of my trance. I didn’t realize the cab just came to a stop. I could see the light from the second floor on, indicating that mom was still in the study. “Yeah.”

Blaze paid the driver, then, he slid closer to me. I was caught off guard by the sudden contact. “Wh—what?” I stammered.

“I’ll walk you to your door.” Blaze said, glancing at me.

“Oh. Oh! No, no, that’s fine. I mean, it’s okay if you don’t.” I actually prefer if he doesn’t! I DON’T think I’d be able to breathe properly if he does. I already hyperventilate when I look at him.

“You sure?”

“Absolutely.” I said, putting my best convincing smile.

He smiled. “It was nice being with you tonight, Allison.”

And then he kissed me near my lips.

© 2009 Abby Caranto. All rights reserved.


LMAO. Now that I posted that up, I'm LOLing here. But this is only a scene about Blaze. I didn't post the scenes concerning Josh, the other guy. When I posted this in the site where I really am posting my stories, I got the people telling me why the hell it wasn't on the lips. And that Blaze was really sexy. And that Josh was a jack**s--apologies for the word, I was quoting them, LOL!

Anyway, as for school news, obviously, my writing hobbies are affecting my studies. Sadly, I didn't reach the average I was aiming for this first quarter. I'd cried over it for so many times now. And am still depressed about it. And being pessimistic, I don't think I'd be able to "bawi" this second quarter, though my friends never get tired of telling me that I can. Oh! Now I'm being a drama queen. I'll stop these rants.

We had our last high school retreat just last Wednesday to Friday. The best retreat I had, ever. :] After the event, I realized how much of a family OLIC 09-10 is, for me.