Friday, June 27, 2008

A Series of Unfortunately Unfortunate Events

It's been two weeks since regular classes in school started, and all I can say is-well, I'm not really in good terms with the world, whatever the hell I did. I've been humiliated in school a lot of times that I don't feel embarassed anymore. I get low grades even if I really do know the answers. I can't concentrate on listening to my teachers. I became too insecure about the brilliance of my classmates and on how witty they were. I felt pressured by the competition, and conscious about my grades. I FEEL SO OVERSHADOWED....

One thing more, my pet died last Tuesday. It was so tragic. Me and my sister knew he was sick, but we still dared to hope that he will live. After school we headed to the grocery store to buy dog food and stuff like that, but as fate would have it, my mom was also there and saw us and told us the sad news. I felt terrible. The dog was young, and whenever I would think about him, I'd think about the chance, and the fact that he can't enjoy life anymore. And the fact that we haven't said goodbye to him. Oh, really, I know my nose is getting red now, but I don't think of dogs as dogs. I think of them as people. I still have another dog, because they were two. But's just sad.

What is happening to me?

Friday, June 13, 2008

Back To School

Oh, finally, it's here again. First day of school, June 11, I found out that I was placed in the star section-crap and everything else. I'm being negative about everything since, but then I remembered that before school started I promised to myself that I will be optimistic. Besides, it's the only way I can take all these positively, right?

I gotta study though. Everything is pressuring. And, oh, yeah, I told myself that I will avoid pressures this year.


Sunday, June 1, 2008


I got my first tennis racket yesterday! Hats off to whoever invented tennis. Alright, so this tennis racket isn't branded or anything. It's also a cheap find. I doubt it is original. I'm giving too much away, but come on, I'd only try it out. Since I'm new to tennis, I don't want to spend too much money on it. Besides, I can always switch to a better racket, right? Right now I'd just like to test it. I do hope that this will come out good though-at least, it'll be worth half of what I spent on it. Better if more than half.

Ahh, that's all I wanna say. One week and three days left before school starts, what a pain. I'm gonna miss snuggling in my bed in the morning and watching TV the minute I wake up. And, oh yeah, watching anime shows on the computer everyday. D:

Well, that's how life is, I'll just have to carry on.

<--Kyou Kara Maoh, otherwise known as God(?) Save Our King! or Demon King From Now On! Looks pretty yaoi, huh? Well, I'm not the biggest fan of yaoi, but this is a hilarious show. :D Besides, it's not totally yaoi-for me, that is.