Saturday, April 25, 2009

Stressed Out. Again.

Maybe some of you would find the title quite bizarre for someone's who's having her (his) summer vacation. But then again, this is a bizarre person we're talking about. This is a bizarre person who's writing. So what do you expect?

It's been months since I last updated this blog, and I can say that it's partly my fault, and it's partly not (also). Of course I have my school as a reason again (heck, I've been writing about my studies in every entry I've created in the past, so it should be normal for me to write it here again!) Fourth quarter was as deadly as third quarter, in the sense that the lessons were--what, not for HUMANS?

And then there's the recognition, of course, and I luckily (Sorry, I have low self-esteem. That's another fact about me that you shouldn't find bizarre.) ranked as seventh in my class. Academically, I was fifth, but I was ranked seventeen in the 30% part--I meant, the activities. So I'm concentrating on joining the mother clubs for next year--I don't want some 30% criteria ruining my grade!

And then there's summer. For some recent updates about me, I put my manga on hold because I started on my fourth novel--Woohoo! So far, I've written about two hundred's somewhere around two hundred, three hundred. I'm actually writing the ninth chapter--yeah, I know what you're thinking about the span.

Then there's this review program thing my parents enrolled me in preparation for my college exams. At first, I really thought going into a review program sucks...well, I still do now. I mean, hell-O! I'm having summer vacation! So yeah, somehow, I'm not that bizarre at all--that's comfortable to admit, and it's much more comfortable because--well, I said it MYSELF. :DD LOL. But I really am better off writing my least, I feel loads, loads, loads better that way. It's not as if the review is super bad or anything--I just think it's bad because, on my part, I just started to really concentrate on my studies in second year, but before that, I was this easy-going student--an average, as others call it. I'm this student whose grades play around the line of 8, except for my Math grade, which ranges from 76-79 (YES, that's true.) and English, which ranges from 91 above. So basically, what I'm saying here is that I have no foundation of the basics whatsoever--that' why it's pretty hard for me to cope up! And then we had Math 1 and Chemistry today. I got everything in Math 1--though I wasn't able to answer the last question given to me because I divided the numbers wrong, but other than that, I really got it. Hell. Now I'm hating division.

And I thought Chemistry was a piece of cake--well, it WASN'T. More than half of what our teacher was saying wasn't even taught to us by our Chemistry teacher! No, it's not like more than's more like 5/6. Don't suggest the idea that I hadn't paid attention to Chemistry class--I've loved Science when I studied Biology in second year, and I just rode it on with Chemistry (though I prefer Bio, of course. :D). Because no, it wasn't me.

I still have to go and drown myself in reviewing lessons. And I'm also watching Harry Potter 3--again--with my sister. So, yeah. I'll meet you guys at the flip side. LOL.

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